April has come!
Posted by Jae Ro
When April comes, everyone feels that spring has sprung. It is really springtime.
Yeterday I noticed in my backyard daffodils are ready to open flower buds. Pretty soon, larks will fly high larking, mourning doves will make sad mourning sound, red-winged black birds will make shrilling cooing sounds, while daffodils, hyacinth, pasque flowers, red buds, and forsythia, etc. bloom.
Usually subtle changes take place after april shower. Following is a poem on April Shower.
April Shower
As April shower pours
Daffodils dance in glee.
Air gets refreshed
While robins hop in the rain fall.
A gardener soliloquizes in exaltation.
As April visitor pours
Larks fly high in free.
Air shimmers hazed
While hyacinths bloom in the spring lull.
A gardener mutters in exultation.
Jae Ro