Greetings from Webmaster
Because of illness of the webmaster, this site has been neglected. However, thanks to remarkable improvement with the treatment, I became to be active again although not in 100 percent. Many thanks to those who send to me get-well cards, e-mail, telephone calls, and visits, who supported great deal to give me so much moral support.
Here I am putting a recently written poem titled “Spring Drizzle”. There was unusually hot spring day with thermometer reading 82 degree. Suddenly there was drizzle followed by thunders. This poem is about the spring drizzle.
Spring Drizzle
Unusually hot day for the spring time
With the outside thermometer reading 82 degree,
Just two days after Vernal Equinox,
From that spring began .
The gardener sweats while spring cleaning.
Came inside to lie down
To cool up while relaxing.
Suddenly he hears a sound of an orchestral performance,
Consisted of sound of raindrops and thunder.
Alas! It is the sound of spring drizzle.
That makes a great symphony of spring!
Looking outside through the window to see raindrops,
Falling all over soaking everything
And making quiet and gentle waves over the lake surface
All blooming flowers, Forsythia, Peach, Plume, Whipping Cherry, and Magnolia are dancing in the middle of rainfall,
While being soaked with sweet spring drizzle.
Daffodils dance fluttering in the midst of raindrops in a glee.
Gardener is elated to see spring drizzle
Which will make all dormant plants shoot up and scions sprout.
The gardener feels full of blessing with blissful spring drizzle
On an early spring day.
*March 20, 2012 was Vernal Equinox. This poem was written on Mar, 22nd, 2012.
The year 2012, the winter has been very mild and spring came a lot earlier so that many flowers are already in full bloom even before April starts.
Jae Ro